Sunday, September 15, 2013

Happy Fall Y'all!

Fall is fast upon us and that means leaves changing, pumpkin carving, and Halloween. We don't know about you, but over here at Ella Dynae, Halloween is one of our most favorite times of the year! Who wouldn't love an extra reason to live in a world of costume and fantasy!

So that has us wondering, what are you planning on dressing up as for Halloween?

Maybe a wonderfully wicked witch or fabulous fairy?

Gothic Fairy Costume

Dark Witch Costume

Or possibly a pilaging pirate?

Pirate Princess Costume

Or even a sweet, innocent Little Red Riding Hood?

Red Riding Hood Costume

Or, finally, perhaps you'd like to be a magical mistress of the circus?

Circus Ring Mistress Costume

So, which one will you choose?!

*All costume available now in time for Halloween here!*

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Inspired by: Citrus Bliss.

Sometimes, life simply calls for a party. A bright, sunny party that lifts your spirits and just makes you want to smile.

A party in bright pinks, yellows, and oranges. Like this:

A party that overflows with citrus sunshine and fabulous fuschia. Like this:

A party this decadent just had to be thrown, so happily we obliged. And ended up with this:

And this:

Totally scrumptious right?!

Well, we are so giddy to announce that Ella Dynae now has a line of party products, fully customizable to any color scheme and costume! Come check it out over on out Etsy site!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Life of the party.

It's official! Carousel Party Magazine has officially released their premiere issue, and guess whose costume is on the cover?!?!

We are so beyond honored to be apart of this new publication and to be featured alongside other amazing professionals in the industry! You can find a link to our spread in the magazine on their Facebook page here!

Here are some more peeks of our Ring Mistress Costume and company feature in the magazine:

Thank you again to Suzanne and everyone at Carousel Party Magazine for this exciting collaboration and we can't wait to see future issues!

Also, the Ring Mistress costume is now up on our Etsy site! Wouldn't it make just a fabulous addition to your Halloween celebration this year!?